PaddlePower Passport
One Star Canoe and Kayak
Taster Sessions for Groups
Improvers Courses
PaddlePower Discover
Two Star Canoe and Kayak
Three Star White Water Kayak
Other Courses
Foundation Safety and Rescue
Aquatic First Aid
White Water Safety and Rescue
Four Star River Leaders
For each course syllabus see Canoe England Tests and Awards
PaddlePower Passport
A 6-7 week course for under 14sWednesdays 7pm – 8pm, Market Yard, Frome
The PASSPORT qualification is equivalent to the One Star qualification and will enable you to join many of the trips that the club runs.
- The training will take place on Wednesdays during the normal club session
- 7pm – 8pm
- 7 week duration
May 11th
Costs: £30 for members, £35 for non-members
One Star Canoe and Kayak
A weekend courseSaturday and Sunday, 9am to 4.30pm, test on the Sunday after lunch.
Ideal for newcomers and those wanting to find out more about canoeing. This course is designed for over 14 year olds and provided an introduction to canoeing. The course includes:
- Forward and revers paddling
- Steering and moving sideways
- Launching and landing
- Personal safety
- Equipment and clothing
May 21/22
July 9/10
Costs: £ 35 members, £ 50 non members.
Under 14s get a reduction of £5 on these costs
Taster Sessions for Groups
What is a Taster Session?A taster session gives your group or organisation an opportunity to try out canoeing in a special session which we organise exclusively for you. We will arrange a session which is both exciting and different so that members of your organisation can ‘have a go at canoeing’.
The main object of the session is:
- Having fun
- Playing games
- Getting wet
- Learning some paddling skills
- Generally having a good time
For more information please contact Pam Dixon.
PaddlePower Discover
A 12 week course for under 14sWednesdays 7pm – 8.30pm, Market Yard, Frome
The DISCOVER qualification is equivalent to the Two Star qualification and follows on from Passport. There are four more progressive levels which focus on particular techniques, skills and knowledge, raising paddling standards and allowing appropriate paddler development . The training will take place on Wednesdays during the normal club session
- 7pm – 8pm
- 12 week duration
4th June
Costs: £45 for members, £55 for non-members
Two Star Canoe and Kayak
A course over six weeks, run on Tuesday evenings7pm - 9pm pm each evening
For people wishing to progress from the BCU One Star Award. This course builds on the paddling covered at Passport and One Star, developing a higher standard of paddling in canoe and kayak, as well as introducing new skills. The course includes:
- Forward and reverse paddling
- Stopping, turning and steering
- Preventing a capsize
- Safety and first aid
- Access and environment
Evenings: Tuesday, May 17 till Tuesday June 21, with a river trip on 12th June
Weekend: Sept 3/4 and Sept 11.
9am till 4.30 on all three days.
Costs: £50 members, £65 non members
Under 14s get a discount of £5 on these prices
Three Star White Water Kayak
A course over three daysFlat water and rescue skills to be covered in one weekend and the moving water skills to be covered in a river trip later in the year.
This award indicates a competent paddler on moving water. The course includes:
- Efficient forward paddling
- Moving sideways
- Supporting and rolling
- Breaking in and out
- Ferry gliding
- Rescues
- Safety, leadership and group skills
- Theory
Three Star White Water Kayak course
To be arranged
£60 members (certificate cost included)
£ 65 non members (plus £20 for a certificate)
Foundation Safety and Rescue
A one day course at Langham Farm. It builds on rescue skills covered in the Star awards and develops a safe and practical approach to dealing with flat water incidents and rescues.Date: June 18
Costs: £30 members, £45 non members
Aquatic First Aid
An 8 hour qualification which covers incident management, resuscitation, hypothermia and many other aspects of first aid applicable to canoeing. This course is needed if you intend to pursue a coaching qualification above Level 1
Date: June 19
Costs: £25 members, £40 non members
Certificate costs are extra.
White Water Safety and Rescue
A weekend course - 2011 date not yet fixedThis course is run at the Tryweryn. It is designed for everyone who paddles grade 2 or higher, either kayak or canoe, and it allows you to develop critical skills to keep yourself safe on white water and look after the people you paddle with. All the specialist equipment is provided.
The course costs £ 100 members, £ 115 non members
This does not include transport or accommodation costs which need to be arranged by particiapnts for themselves.
4 Star River Leaders
Dates for 2011 have not yet been set.This qualification allows you to lead small groups of competent paddlers on moderate whitewater - up to grade 2 or 3. Pre-requisites are:
- Provide evidence of 12 river trips, including six grade 3 trips as a member and six as an assistant leader
- Hold a current First Aid qualification (8 hours)
- Have completed the White Water Safety and Rescue course
- Register with the BCU (LR Form)
- Be aged over 18
Costs per weekend: £ 50 members, £ 80 non members
This does not include transport or accommodation costs which need to be arranged by the participants for themselves.